New bot development application. Start creating amazing bots for your business.
Meet "CBPaaS" - Chat Bot Platform as a Service.
In the store are available various bots. Do you need referal tracking? Or chat with yours users via bot? This and the other is in the Bots Store!
Command can have some scenarios with BJS code. Example. Calculating 2+2 and send result to the chat - it is BJS code.
In BJS, you can use all the usual JS functions except setTimeout, setInterval
Write the code with your favorite editor. Then import it from Github repository to your bot.
Bot runs in the cloud. You can power off the phone.
Edit commands in a simple way.
Do you have Google Table file? Create bot from this table.
Import the code from Github or other repositories. You can also export.
Use web app and mobile app. As you wish
Use Bot Java Script for logic in command.
The application has a modern user-friendly interface, convenient for use.
You can really make any bots. The libraries will help you with this. You do not need a hosting, database, certificate for webhooks... Just make your bot and run it
In the store there will be new bots and new libraries.
Bots development is really something new. This is interesting and useful.
It is Bot JavaScript. It's an ordinary Java with some inserts.
Command can have some scenarios with BJS code. Example. Calculating 2+2 and send result to the chat - it is BJS code.
In BJS, you can use all the usual JS functions except setTimeout, setInterval
You can use bot answer and Bot.sendMessage("ANY message"). Or use Bot.sendMessage twice
See Demo Bots in the Store, examples in the Help, ask question in help chat.
Write us and tell us what you need
Yes of course. Please see help about it.
Yes, you can. Please see this article
You do not need a hosting, database, certificate for webhooks... Just make your bot and run it
Please read our help